I’m coming to Australia

I am coming to Australia in March. I will share some of the work discussed here at The Remake as well as some new material. I’m also coming to Australia to learn. There is a host of early childhood educators in the country reconsidering their practice in light of rapid climate change. I look forward to conversations about our work. I plan to report on what I learn in future posts.
My first stop is Sydney. I am giving a keynote at the Inspire Conference which takes place March 20-22. I will be telling stories about the Critter Count, Wild Turkeys, and an inquiry project on the Leaf People, and explaining how such work connects to the conference theme of the uprising.
My friend Matt Karlsen from the Center for Playful Inquiry, who attended the conference two years ago, says the Inspire Conference is perhaps the best gathering of educators he has attended. I'm looking forward to participating.
Melbourne is my next stop, where I am facilitating a workshop for the Project Zero Australia Network titled Good Ideas from Good Ideas. Aimed at fostering children’s meta-cognative abilities, the workshop will be held at Wesley College on March 24th in the late afternoon.
My final stop is Tasmania. On March 27 I will be giving a day-long workshop (9:00am - 4:30 pm) at Leighland Christian School (Ulverstone Campus). Titled The Why, What, and How of Playful Learning, I will share research from the Pedagogy of Play project.
I then travel to Hobart and the Friends School where there will be a full day workshop titled Playful Learning in a Time of Rapid Climate Change: Fostering Children’s Solidarity with Nature. I will share stories from Newtowne, paired with activities to help participants use these stories to consider implications for their own teaching. For information about the workshop see: https://www.trybooking.com/CYSLM.
And D.C. in April
In April I head to Washington, D.C. where in the afternoon of the 24th I will give a workshop for the Professional Development Collaborative based on the work at Newtowne. The focus will be on inquiry projects and fostering children’s solidarity with nature. For more information check out the Collaborative’s website.